
Malwares and type of Threats -Part 1


  Malware Threats

A malware is a software which damages computers .

The reason malwares  attacks  a pc, smartphone or computer devices are because of making money.

The Examples of Malware are:
  • Trojan Horse
  • Virus
  • Worms
  • Rootkit
  • Ransom Ware
  • Spyware
  • Bot Kit
  • Crypter.

Signs you have malware

  • mysterious loss of space
  • weird increase of internet activity
  • antivirus not working
  • lose access to files
The two ways of getting malware

  • Email
  • Internet

Malwares need  a person to work.

  • DO NOT OPEN  .EXE attachments received in email
  • DO NOT click on unknown links in messages got by WHATSAPP or any IM.
  • DO NOT  have a website without SSL protection.

Another culprit is weak plugin of Word Press.


Here is statistic of WordPress usage:

  • Over 409 million people view 20 billion WordPress pages in a month.

WordPress is a CMS which a great simple GUI and the fore anybody can use it and make a  site.(almost)

When developing a CMS for an organization use one of the following:
There many plugins for Malware removal but thing is unless you pay for them it won't work.

Here are some security tips before making a WordPress site:
  • Get SSL hosting(otherwise forget it)
  • Install UPDRAFT backup  Plugin. Connect to Google Drive .
  • Install Word Fence security plugin.
  • Take backup before starting and backup once a week.
We will not discuss on WordPress any more in this post.

Ways Attackers Spread Malware

The ways are:
  • Blackhat SEO
  • Malvertising
  • Spear phising sites

Trojans are used to:
  • Delete OS Critical files
  • Disable firewall antivirus
  • record screenshot of PC
  • Steal information-passwords, credit card information, security codes 
The Ports used by Trojans:

  • 2
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 25
  • 7000
There are software to make Trojans.

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